Saturday, March 28, 2020

Jill- Character Profile- I'm Alan Partridge

Do you know what I used to think when I used to see you in reception? I used to think oooooooo she's nicer than my wife!

Jill- the receptionist from Peartree Productions

More info on Alan Attraction- the episode Jill stars in

Jill is Alan's favourite, she could even be described as a 40 year old scorcher and work for Sol Dangerfield's casting agency! She was formerly Alan's receptionist at Peartree Productions, for whom Alan always held a slight liking to. When Alan asked 'Jill, do you like me sex wise?' when she answered in the affirmative, a romance was born... for an afternoon.

jill the receptionist from peartree productions
Jill you're so dirrrrty
A trip to the owl sanctuary followed by a romantic buffet supper on a 12 inch plate at Linton Travel Tavern resulted. However, when she had the temerity to get chocolate mousse not only on Alan Partridge, but also on the bedsheets and the valance (the skirt thing round the side of the bed), this could have been misconstrued as a dirty protest by an unwitting member of the hotel, and Alan needed to act immediately.

alan partridge's receptionist jill

Jill, unfortunately for her, found herself sacked (she was being made redundant anyway) and in a taxi home, sadly puffing on a cigarette... it started with a kiss....

Jill is played by Julia Deakin, who has also appeared in Spaced, Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead

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