Monday, March 23, 2020

I'm Alan Partridge 1:- Basic Alan

Alan is effectively on lockdown... no not like Coronavirus, but because the Linton Travel Tavern is being refurbished and Alan is the only guest!

Explore the other episodes in I'm Alan Partridge 1!

Read the quotes from this episode!

Susan starts to despise Alan
Don't sing Susan... it sounds baaaaad! Susan the Manager starts to show her discontent with Alan's behaviour by playing a few jokes on him- You'd be the perfect Judas... betray me then kiss me... to which she replies that she doesn't want to kiss, she wants to go the whole way, making Alan feel rrrrraaaaather uncomfortable...

Love's young dream... interrupted
Alan is increasingly jealous of the budding romance between Ben and Sophie, so much so that when the young couple start messing about for 15 minutes he asks for a very complicated lunch request... a sandwich, cheese sandwich, with cooked meat, a hot egg, with a crescent of crisps, and a side clump of cress to be delivered any time... any time in the next 15 minutes...

Alan is bored
Nothing can satisfy Alan- he is completely at a loose end- the sounds of the panpipes... calling his son Fernando to tell him that he is wasting his life for being in bed with a girl... calling Curry's and stating that a basic grasp of latin is surely essential in the retail sector... to the one of the best moments when he walks to the petrol station and buys 12 bottles of windscreen washer fluid whilst singing Goldfinger...

Shitty Zombies
Trying to join in the fun, following being impersonated by Michael, Ben, Susan, Lynn and Sophie, he dresses as a zombie- shower curtain as a cape, tungsten tipped screws for claws (never gonna use em, never gonna use em), biscuits for dry face skin, tomato ketchup for a bloody mouth and the flex off a kettle for a tail. This disguise obviously frightens rather than entertains, only to contribute to the staff's dislike and amusement at Alan's expense.

Cone but not forgotten...
This towering episode culminates when Alan and Michael (I'd like you to lay the eggs you chicken) get apprehended by the police for finding traffic cones and saying look at me I'm a giant witch! This only serves to provide a source of jokey humour by Dave Clifton on the morning breakfast show!

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