Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I'm Alan Partridge 1- A Room with an Alan

During I'm Alan Partridge, we start to see more of Alan's off screen character. Particularly in A Room with an Alan, he provides us with a great range of quotable material and jokes- one of my favourite

Click to see the BEST quotes from this episode!

So A Room with an Alan is the first episode in the first series of I'm Alan Partridge, and after the first 2 minutes, we start to realise just how deep Alan's fall from grace has actually been! He is ploughing the graveyard shift on local Radio Norwich, and after leaving his wife Carol, he is living in the Linton Travel Tavern.

alan partridge in a green jumper in a room with an alan

Upon Alan's entry to the hotel, it represented a great opportunity to intro all of the characters for the series ahead including Dave Clifton, the smug DJ from the infinitely more popular breakfast show, the smily hotel manager Susan, hotel worker Sophie (expertly played by Sally Phillips) and the wonderful odd job man Michael. This is not to mention the introduce of Alan's PA Lynn Benfield, with whom it quickly apparent that Alan treats her like a rubbing rag.

House Viewing
But things are not all bad for Alan... he has a big house viewing upon the horizon- his 5 bedroom bastard house! The sequence where Alan views this potential new abode is one of my absolute favourite bits of the whole of Partridge. Quotes like... 'What's this little sink... a rinser... get rid of it" and "Yes it's an extender!" have gone down in Partridge folklore. Eventually very happy with the house, partially because it has a Buck Rogers toilet that flushes on the first yank... he puts in an offer (£324,000 when it was on for £325,000) and the house is his... or is it? The estate agent plays along a bit with Alan's madness, but when he says he loved Alan's TV show, but doesn't get the A-ha reference, we know he is lying! He was never a Partridgian!

BBC Meeting with Tony Hayers
This is the first point where we feel badly sorry for Alan. Tony Hayers, played by David Schneider, completely wrecks Alan's dreams when he denies him a second series (interspersed with shots of Alan's lap dancing dreams...). He then completely tears apart all of Alan's programme ideas- incidentally many of which have actually been made- including Swallow, A Partridge Amongst the Pigeons, Cooking in Prison and the hilarious Monkey Tennis, until Alan's arguably suffers his first minor mental breakdown by stabbing a huge cheese with his fork and running back through the BBC to his car and the watchful gaze of Lynn his PA.

alan partridge and tony hayers in room with an alan

In an sad ending, we see Alan hanging around the house he can no longer afford, comforted by Lynn... he states that 'that was a negative and right now I need 2 positives..." one of which is the ability to get an irish coffee delivered to his room in the Travel Tavern...

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