Thursday, March 19, 2020

I'm Alan Partridge 1- Character Profile... Ben

Ben (James Lance)

Ben, brilliantly played by James Lance, is the giggling laughing yet charming side kick of Sophie (Sally Phillips). To Alan, these two are symptomatic of everything that is wrong with the Linton Travel Tavern, and to be honest with the world in general. To them, they are young and having a minor fling (which Alan is very jealous of), but to Alan, they are the height of unprofessionality!

Click to explore the other Alan Partridge characters

But Ben is everything Alan is not- young, hip, free, seemingly intelligent, good looking and seemingly great with the ladies. This really annoys Alan and he takes every opportunity to scupper Ben and Sophie's budding romance while he can- painfully so at times.

Ben from I'm Alan Partridge

Is Ben Quotable? Click here for more Classic Partridge Quotes
Whereas Ben himself is not quotable as such, he does lead Alan into some of his best firecracker quotes- maybe some of the best in Partridge history. Such gems as...

-Erm... yes please can I have a sandwich to the room... with a hot egg.... a sideclump of cress.... a crescent of crisps... yeah anytime... anytime in the next ten minutes... (when he sees Ben and Sophie fooling around despite having literally nothing to do!)

-(discussing Kurt Cobain and the Beatles)... which is your favourite Beatles album? Erm... tough one... I'd have to say... the Best of the Beatles... classic.

Despite Alan's earlier misgivings on Ben, he does try to make friends, although unsuccessfully, later on in the series- trying to connect on music- showing off his new Bang and Olufsen Sound System... but thankfully Alan doesn't matter to make his new acquaintance!

James Lance
Lance himself has had minor roles in a range of great programmes such as Teachers, Boy Meets Girl, Absolutely Fabulous, Smack the Pony, Spaced and Steve Coogan's Saxondale. I do however think he has deserved a little more exposure nationally. He is married to Kate Quilton and they had a son in 2018. Awwww

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